July 22nd - 23rd: Joe and I visited Ventura, CA and stayed at the infamous haunted Bella Maggiore Inn, staying in the haunted room #17. It was quite a Haunting Adventure.
EMF Readings* ~ Upon arriving at around 1:00 pm we started taking EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) readings. We found room 17, and the second floor of the hotel to have very high readings, exceeding 5.0. The only area at that time which didn't display high readings was the sitting room. Hotel staff was questioned regarding the high EMF in the area, and they could not provide any explaination for this. A "look about" inside and outside the hotel and room area found no high power wiring or power lines, the only electonic devices operating in the room was a small ceiling fan, and a free standing fan. We did another baseline reading around 7 pm and found the fields to be inconsistant ranging from low to medium range. Reading from 11 pm recorded low range. The following morning 7/23, the readings were inconsistent to low. Normal? NO ~ Paranormal? Perhaps, although I feel it was.
* Video can be found on my YouTube account: http://www.youtube.com/user/vpdemaria
EVP (Electronic voice phenomenon) Findings ~ At this time, they are still being reviewed by other paranormal experts and professionals, for 2nd opinions. Although, we were able to validate some audio recordings that we captured. Apparent sound of a door or drawer opening and closing within the room when no one was there. This was taken in the afternoon hours when we were out for a stroll and dinner. NO ONE else had access to our room (17) at all. A female voice is also heard speaking just before and after the sounds of the door/drawer is opening and/or closing. A return visit to try to duplicate this is forcoming SOON! We are anxious to see exactly where this came from. Further EVP findings will be on the update of this post ASAP.
Video using camcorder w/IRM lighting ~ Sheets on Joe's lower leg and feet being tugged 3 times within 2 minutes. No apparent sign of "man-made" action to cause this action. We are having a video expert review and confirm this portion of video caught. Will post on my YouTube as soon as this operation is complete.
Photos ~ First, I must state that Joe, my husband is a very good "spirit photograher" and always takes a 3-shot series of an area of interest so there is a valide comparison before and after something appears. One particular photo in the sitting room taken around 11 pm shows a double orb and a manifested mist that had formed around the orb. The orb theory is that they are either spirit energy or, balls of energy which spirits/entities use to manifest. Many orbs were captured on photos ranging in size and density. A radiant orb, also known as radiant energy orb was taken while I was standing by the bed and this appears on the headboard. It is a "worm like" orb w/intense energy and clarity. Once I figure out how to post multiple pictures to the blog site, I will post some for others to view. We found most of the orb activity was around the main table in the sitting room although the double orb and mist was found toward the back of the room next to sleeping room #5 which is also reported being haunted by a small female child.
We are looking forward to a return visit to the Bella Maggiore Inn within the next couple of months. I will post updates on any further finding on this Haunted Adventure.
Didn't know you were into this. A friend here and I have done some ghost hunting in the local old Buhl Hotel. I will try to put some pictures on my photos. I won't put them on the page cause some people may get offended or something. Happy Hunting.